Thursday 3 December 2015

Kalanchoe Care Chapter 8: R.I.P and Cuttings

Well, It's official: One of my adult plants (possibly my very first plant) Has died. (left picture) The far right WAY in the back. From beautifu and vibrant to (right picture) A sad, depressing little mushy twig that was beginning to harbor mold. (took care of that already)

It is always sad that no matter how much time, care and attention you give, sometimes if a plant decides it wants to die, it's gonna die.

Sadder still is of ALL the cuttings I made previously from this plant, all but one was worth planting and it got the rot even worse.

Talk about EEP! I'm not a horticulturalist but THAT is B.A.D.! Granted, I'm a first time owner so I guess anything out of the ordinary is gonna be bad lookin'

Since that one went the way of the dodo, what was left of the parent plant that was remotely salvageable has gone into cuttings.

I imagine after a remixing of dirt and the fact I won't be able to plant these boogers until about Monday (5 days from when they were cut) These should have a better shot at life.... I hope. After this, all I can do is get my other plants to bloom and figure out which color I lost and get a new one.

In other plant news, a few weeks ago, the screws that attached the macrame cord to the grow light came apart causing it to fall on the plants. (I was fiddling with the light timer at the time so I was at least able to catch it)

What I didn't realize is part of the light whacked one of my plants and broke a branch off (the piece right below the dry stump in the center of the photo) until about a week later when I saw in on the floor beside the shelf next to the table where my plants sit.

It was in shockingly good health and I figured I had nothing to loose so I planted it about the same time I made the destined to be doomed cutting.

I'm a little hesitant to check for roots yet but at least I see no rot in the base so I guess I have that in my favor.

Even weirder is there was a large stray leaf down there that I figured would just shrivel up but weeks later it was still intact and had a Beautiful scab on it so I decided to stick it in with it's sibling.

What's the worst that could happen?

Finally, My beloved little June cutting is officially off for greener pastures. It's going to be a Christmas present for the Mom of my friends. She has a massive Christmas Cactus that she get's to bloom every year with NO fiddling whatsoever so I figure my Cutting with be going to Succulent Heaven.

Here it is all ready to go packed in with some lovely Crocheted Pot holders (made by yours truly) ;)

God Bless! A.M.

p.s. I may not be doing any Ocarina performing at the start of this month. I may play closer to Christmas but not right now. Sorry about that.


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