Tuesday 15 December 2015

Kalanchoe Care Chapter 9: Wilting leaves... R.I.P.

Well, After whatever happened to my last plant, it appears to have decided to happen to my darling Yellow now. :'(

Okay, this is getting really depressing/panic worthy. My mellow yellow is showing the EXACT same symptoms as my last plant from chapter 8. Things take around 2 weeks to manifest themselves but once noticed, is already too late. Wilting leaves, drooping stems, wrinkling, paling and distinct loss of waxy sheen on the leaves. (You can see the comparison in the photo on the right.)

It's not under-watering and it's not over-watering to be sure. Whatever this is, I haven't found ANYTHING on and it's really starting to bug me! At least I know it's not bugs... unless the aphids had something to do with it...

The only other possibility is it could be some sort of a fungal infection but again, I can't find ANYTHING on such things so I really have no way of knowing.... alas, I fear I must bid farewell to my wonderful Mellow Yellow. :'(

All I do know is I'm sure a H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks I'm not letting it happen to my last 3!

God Bless and Merry Christmas! 
Later! A.M.

P.S. My one last cutting from my first dying plant is toast. 
One good note however is I may be getting a Christmas cactus for Christmas. ;) I may be able to add a new Yellow Kal to the tiny list. :)

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